Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pokok Pelbagaiguna

Today's meeting with ASEAN SEED delegation on what the latest technology that they have, reminded me on the article on Pokok Pelbagaiguna. The delegation explained on their daun pisang tiruan which is bio biodegradable & how this imitation banana leaf will help soil by injected more oxygen  to its structure. My BM teacher thought us on the Pokok Kelapa with variety usage when I was in standard 1 & during exam - Rencana for Kefahaman we had this question.
Tempurung - handycrat & coal
Sabut - fiber for car seat & etc
Isi - coconut milk/VCO/jelly
Batang - fiber
Daun- animal feed
But now their usage getting variety with new value added product, last time just 4, if I am not mistaken.
1. Lidi (penyapu/cucuk satay) but now replacing with bamboo stick
2. Buah (santan)
3. Tempurung (Bahan bakar/kraftangan)
4. Batang (titi)
Today going to ask my kids, what's their invention for this 2 plants:-
Felt that I am very old today because first time eating nasi lemak using the imitation banana leaf. Huh...I still missed the good combination smell of nasi lemak & daun pisang. 
Enjoy your orange Tuesday!!!!


  1. betul tu..nasi lemak daun pisang jugak yg terbaik..bau nya menyelerakan ;)

  2. Betoi la, ingat lagi sekolah rendah dulu cikgu cerita pasal pokok nyoq yg memang pelbagaiguna. Setiap bahagian pokok dia boleh digunakan untuk buat macam2. Canggih sungguh ciptaanNya :)

  3. hebatnya jasa sebatang pokok kelapa :)

  4. Irfa,

    Tadi masa makan nasi lemak atas daun pisang tiruan tu akak rindu sgt kat combiantion bau nasi lemak + daun pisang. Agaknya kita ni orang kg..


    Setakat ni belum ada lagi ciptaan manusia dapat mengatasi ciptaan Allah, depa dok cerita produk depa 3 in 1, 5 in 1 tapi tetap tak sama.

    Nin D..
    Zaman dulu2 adalah article macam tu dlm BM tapi now budak2 tu tau pokok kelapa hanya hiasan.Akak kalau anak2 demam panas selalu beli air kelapa muda.
